

Synopsis: As her world is shrouded in darkness, a young girl must overcome her fears and travel to a mysterious city of light, save her father from a dangerous scientist and prevent the destruction of her planet.
Opening Date: 10-04-2024
Rating: PG
Duration: 90
Produced by: Nadine Bates, Kristen Souvlis, Ryan Greaves, Sophie Byrne
Directed by: Ricard Cussu00f3, Tania Vincent
Starring: Deborah Mailman, Sam Neill, Tim Minchin, Rob Collins, Mark Coles Smith, Anna Torv, Liv Hewson, Jillian Nguyen, Remy Hii

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Sun 10/0612:30pm
Mon 10/075:05pm
Tue 10/085:05pm
Wed 10/095:05pm
Thu 10/105:10pm