Synopsis: In a world in which no one speaks a devout female-led community hunts down a young woman who has escaped her imprisonment. Recaptured by its ruthless leaders, Azrael is due to be sacrificed to pacify an ancient evil deep within the surrounding wilderness - but she has other ideas.
Opening Date: 09-27-2024
Rating: R
Duration: 86
Produced by: Simon Barrett, Dan Kagan
Directed by: E.L. Katz
Starring: Samara Weaving, Eero Milonoff, Victoria Carmen Sonne, Sebastian Bull, Vincent Willestrand
Opening Date: 09-27-2024
Rating: R
Duration: 86
Produced by: Simon Barrett, Dan Kagan
Directed by: E.L. Katz
Starring: Samara Weaving, Eero Milonoff, Victoria Carmen Sonne, Sebastian Bull, Vincent Willestrand